doug hoffman election results
Board hoiab kaarte edu valimiste kogu riigis täna õhtul. Refresh Page sageli uusimaid värskendusi. NY läheb demokraatide jooksvate 12:05 In veider Twist, Douglas Hoffman, kandidaat Konservatiivne Partei, kes oli äratanud nii palju tähelepanu riigi republikaanit erilist valimistel 23 New Yorgis Kongressi ringkond, on tunnistanud, et võidujooks Obama, Bill Owens.
This contest, a special election in upstate New York, to replace John McHugh, the Republican representative chosen by President Obama to become secretary of the Army, had been a topsy-turvy race — with a lot of outside money and outsized Republican figures, like former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and others backing Mr. Hoffman against the moderate Republican, Dede Scozzafava. In the wake of all that opposition, she dropped out over the weekend and endorsed Mr. Owens.
This is to some extent, the stunner. A region that have not gone Democratic for more than 100 years. Great Republican Representative Chris Van Hollen wins today, the chairman of the
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released this statement:
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