Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Christine Karpinski says she leaves a welcome gift that she calls the "S'mores basket" for her winter guests: "We take a large Wicker basket and fill it with marshmallows, graham krakkimisseadmed, chocolate bars, Hot Cocoa Mix and large wooden branches. me the way each item with raffia for decoration, and leave a Personalized welcome note to the family.
Karpinski said that for owners, a "hot tub is the best investment you can make" to attract winter renters. Allowing pets and baby-proofing to attract folks with young kids who are not tied to school vacation schedules can also increase rentals.Karpinski also recommends that owners go easy on their payment schedules because of the weak economy. She allowed many renters to pay in four or five installments this past year, with one guest paying monthly in advance of a Christmas visit.
In addition to the money real estate season, Karpinski said slowly, there are other benefits to keep one busy for rent: You are more toothed early maintenance problems and can not be around to keep an eye location of a

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