Saturday, October 10, 2009

obama nobel peace prize for what

Barack Obama, USA President: I too am surprised by the answer to the Nobel committee's decision. I clearly as I recognize their achievements can not see, but the aspirations of all peoples from the U.S. organized by own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.Gore, Carter, Obama, soon Bill Clinton. You see a pattern here, folks? Liberal sellouts! Liberal sellouts get this prize. George Bush liberates 50 million Muslims, Ronald Reagan liberates hundreds of millions of Europeans, saves parts of Latin America.
This actually makes total sense when you look at who the Nobel people are, these elite Norwegians, Europeans. They love what Obama is doing. And this fully exposes, folks, the illusion that is Obama. This is a greater embarrassment than losing the Olympics bid was. And with this award -- and Obama got it right. He knows exactly why he was given this award. The elites of the world are urging him, a man of peace, to not do the surge in Afghanistan. They are urging him to not take on Iran. That's what this -- if you want to get serious about it for a minute, is what this is really all about. How can he now send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan after that-- that cotton candy speech he just gave this morning?
The Nobel Peace Prize just told Obama, Look, we love what you're doing, you are destroying your country as a superpower. Keep it up, bud! This is what we expected, and you're doing a damn good job. Those are accomplishments, folks, and in the eyes of the Nobel Peace Prize committee, these are the accomplishments they're looking for. He's basically emasculating this country, and they applauded today with this award. They love a weakened, neutered United States, and this is their way of promoting the concept and this slam-dunk.Joining us now is presidential historian Doug Brinkley, professor of history at Rice University and author of the new book about Teddy Roosevelt called "The Wilderness Warrior,"

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