Tuesday, November 17, 2009

left 4 dead 2 release time

left 4 dead 2 release time
Sound the alarm - Left 4 Dead 2 has been released! This time, Valve was a mere hour late. Left 4 Dead 2 was supposed to have been released an hour ago, but for many/most PC gamers, there was apparently a slight delay. As it turns out, Left 4 Dead 2, which was supposed to release at midnight Eastern Time,
released much closer to midnight Central time. The resulting nerd rage had ground the Steam forums into the dirt, as people try to figure out why their pre-orders were not working.
Because the Steam forums are simply under a heavy load, it was possible to only occasionally see the "Countdown Thread" - the thread dedicated to the joy that people experience as soon as the game is available to the general public.In the new releases section of Steam, the game pages were a bit jacked up while Valve staff straightened things out as well. Here's a screen cap (thanks to the Valve forum community):left 4 dead 2, left 4 dead 2 release date, left 4 dead 2 release, left 4 dead 2 forums, left 4 dead 2 countdown clock

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